Your Customized Human Design Guidebook

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing Human Design makes you feel so seen, and so understood, right? (That’s how I got hooked on it too!)

Yet when you dive deeper into parts of your design, it’s either too complex or too esoteric to understand. You’re left wondering how to apply it to real life.

I created the Customized Human Design Guidebook with you in mind!

Your Guidebook will be practical and clear - we've taken the most important parts of your Human Design and delivered them to you in an actionable, easily digestible, and beautiful format. Though it is quite lengthy, so we've compiled in the order we recommend learning about your design. You can start at the beginning and read a section at a time, pausing to experiment with how your design shows up in real life. Your customized Human Design report will be a resource that you can return to over and over again, for years to come.

Each guide includes the following elements of your Human Design chart:

  • Type, Strategy, Authority, Signature, Not-self Theme, Profile, Defined Centers, Undefined/Open Centers, Definition, Channels, and Personality Sun Gate (the most significant gate in your design!)

  • Note: Reflector reports include incarnation cross gates in lieu of channels

Your Human Design Guide will be 55+ beautifully styled, full-sized pages and made to order.
