How to Harness the Wisdom of Your Undefined Centers

Undefined or open centers (the centers that are white on your BodyGraph) are often referred to by what they’re missing; by the absence of an energy.

And because the energy in these centers is inconsistent, they’re also where we’re more inclined to be conditioned, to be affected by the energy of others, to have more “work” to do. 

But that’s not the sole significance of undefined centers in our chart.

Because while we do take in energy in our undefined centers, and while we do tend to be more vulnerable to the unhealthy aspects of that energy — where there’s vulnerability, there’s also deep potential for wisdom. 

In fact, there’s often greater opportunity for wisdom in these areas because it’s where we find the most opportunity for learning and growth.

In her book, Daring Greatly, researcher and writer, Brene Brown, says: “Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement.”

And through that engagement — with uncertainty, with risk, with emotional experiences, with life . . . well, that’s where we become wise.

Finding and following the specific wisdom of your undefined centers begins with deconditioning from the energy and narratives you’ve taken on that aren't your own. 

Here’s how you can start to do that: 

Undefined Heart Center

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The Heart Center is the energy of will and worth, desires and dealings. 

With an undefined or open Heart Center, taking in and amplifying the defined Heart energy around you, you may find that you work hard to prove yourself, overachieving or consistently trying to pump up your own ego. Or, on the other hand, you might downplay your achievements or set lower standards for yourself and others.

But just because your Heart Center is undefined doesn’t mean there isn’t wisdom to be found there. The wisdom of the undefined Heart is in understanding and acknowledging that you have nothing to prove; that you can find deep peace and a sense of worth in who you are, rather than what you do. 

As you reconnect with the wisdom of your undefined Heart Center, ask yourself: Am I trying to prove my worth? What needs to happen for me to view myself as worthy right now?

Undefined Identity Center


The Identity or G Center is where we find identity, love, and direction. This is the seat of the soul. 

When this Center is undefined or open, there can be a tendency to overthink this energy; to attempt to endlessly answer the questions, “Who am I? Who is going to love me? Who will tell me what to do and where to go?

But the wisdom of the undefined Identity/G Center is in trusting that your love and direction is never lost; rather, it will come to you when you surround yourself with the correct people in the correct places. 

As you explore the wisdom of the undefined Identity Center, consider this: Am I looking outside of myself for love and direction? How might I create a more nourishing environment for myself, trusting that the right place connects me to the right people and opportunities?

Undefined Throat Center

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The Throat Center is the home of voice, expression, and action. It is the major energy center and the only Manifestation Center of the BodyGraph, because all energy within a chart is making its way there to be expressed.

When your Throat Center is undefined or open, you may feel anxiety about having to contribute something useful to the world. Because your energy in this Center is inconsistent, you may not trust you’ll have the words when you need them — or, even if you do, you may worry you won’t be heard.

But the wisdom of the undefined Throat Center is found in that tension between silence and expression; of being without doing.

In reconnecting with the wisdom of your undefined Throat Center, ask yourself: Am I pressuring myself to speak when I have no words? What might it look like for me to take action or speak on my terms, when I’m ready, instead of pressuring myself to make something happen?

Undefined Ajna Center

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The Ajna Center is the home of conceptualization; where we process the pressure found in the Head Center.

When your Ajna Center is undefined or open, there’s potential to be obsessed with certainty and anxious about what you know (or don’t know) and what you share. Instead of sitting with any confusion, you may feel frustrated by it and afraid to advocate for yourself or admit that you just don’t know.

But there is wisdom in having an open and flexible mind: Not only are you wise to which ideas have value, but you’re able to challenge others to get clear on their concepts. This is the healthy aspect of an undefined Ajna.

If you’re still working toward that flexibility, try sitting with these questions: Do I need to be certain that this is truth with a capital T? Can I hold space for several possibilities to be true?

Undefined Head Center

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The Head Center houses inspiration; it’s where we find the pressure to think and make sense of the world.

With an undefined or open Head Center, you may feel easily overwhelmed by doubt and confusion — both yours and others! — and try to release the mental pressure by taking action.

But, as you may have guessed by now, the wisdom of this undefined Center is found in the opposite: in remaining open to the wonder of the unknown and open to inspiration coming from many different places. In a healthy state, the undefined Head Center actually enjoys the question and confusion, trusting that the answers will always come.

To find your way back to that ease and openness with an undefined Head Center, ask yourself: Am I trying to find answers that aren’t needed right now? How might I allow the unknown, without trying to resolve it 24/7?

Undefined Root Center

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The Root Center is both a Motor and a Pressure Center that processes pressure through an innate sense of drive, ambition, and stress.

When this center is undefined or open, you may feel the pressure to do without a consistent way to process it. This pressure can lead to overwhelm which leads to resistance which leads to shutting down . . . before starting the cycle all over again. 

The wisdom of the undefined Root Center is understanding that the more you pressure yourself, the less you’ll respond. While the pressure will always be there, it is possible to enjoy it without being overcome by it — and it’s imperative to take time to release yourself from the pressure of others.

As you tap back into the wisdom of your undefined Root Center, consider these questions: How can I intentionally slow down and let myself focus on one thing at a time? How can I create space to do this task with ease and joy?

Undefined Spleen Center

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The Spleen Center is the seat of our intuitive awareness, and it’s responsible for our survival. This innate body consciousness makes us aware of what’s good for us — and what’s not.

If your Spleen Center is undefined or open, you may not sense this awareness consistently. And because of that, you may hold onto what isn’t good for you or feel overwhelmed by fear.

The wisdom of the undefined Spleen is found in creating a sense of safety for yourself. That might look like letting go of something that no longer serves you. That might mean facing a fear, so you can move through it instead of avoiding it or being run by it. And it certainly means turning to your Strategy and Authority to make aligned decisions.

If you’re working on tuning in to the wisdom of your undefined Spleen Center, ask yourself: Am I holding on to something that isn’t good for me? How can I create a sense of safety for myself, so I’m able to let go of this habit/relationship/place?

Undefined Sacral Center

The Sacral Center is physical body wisdom and it is pure energy. Sacral energy is pleasure, vitality, fertility — it’s the energy for life itself!

With an undefined or open Sacral Center, you don’t have consistent access to this energy, though you’ll still feel it through the people around you and the transits. That being said, taking action without access to sacral energy can mean that you might take on too much. If you lack healthy boundaries and an understanding of your own energy, you may ignore tiredness and just try to push through.

The potential wisdom of the undefined Sacral Center is a balance of work and rest; having healthy boundaries that respect your inconsistent energy flow.

To explore the wisdom of the undefined Sacral Center, consider this: Am I stuck in the “on” position? Do I need a break? What is a nourishing activity that could help me wind down?

Undefined Solar Plexus Center

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The Solar Plexus Center is where we find our emotional awareness, and the opportunity to welcome the full spectrum of our emotional experiences.

With an undefined or open Solar Plexus Center, you have inconsistent access to this energy, and may try to “manage” emotional experiences by avoiding confrontation or even avoiding emotional connections altogether.

But the wisdom of the undefined Solar Plexus Center is in the awareness of your full emotional experience, not the avoidance of it. The opportunity is to use your Strategy and Authority to know when to engage in confrontation and when to step away. Become aware of your emotional health, acknowledge your emotional needs, and advocate for yourself in relationships. 

If you’re willing to explore the wisdom of your undefined Solar Plexus Center, ask yourself: Are these feelings mine, or is this my deep capacity for empathy? How might I set a healthy boundary to make sure I’m caring for my emotional needs?


As you work through this process, it can be helpful to start by focusing on one or two undefined centers at a time. Where do you feel you might experience the most conditioning? Which centers do you feel like need the most love right now?

Once you’ve journaled on the questions for each center, highlight the insights that stick out the most. 

Does your undefined Throat need space before it speaks? 

Is your undefined Ajna wanting to hold several different truths? 

Does your undefined Heart Center need to be reminded of your inherent worth? 

Ask yourself what you need; what the energy of that center needs. How can you best support that area, that energy, that center — now and in the future? What can you learn about yourself? How will you tap into that wisdom?

Then, practice giving that to yourself. Practice showing up for yourself — acknowledging and honoring the energy that is true for you in each of your undefined centers and opening up to the wisdom that is inherent through this process.

Because it is, in fact, inherent — that wisdom already exists in you. You just have to give yourself permission to find it.